The powerful feeling that drives you to take steps others don’t dare to. The butterflies in your stomach of excitement, it makes you feel alive

A woman in a gold dress stands proudly with her arms open, surrounded by a collection of luxury Vaulie bags arranged on the floor in front of her.


Why play it safe when a bold move can be more exciting? Vaulie admires women who take risks and push their boundaries. It supports women in confidently pursuing their passions, knowing they can achieve remarkable things by being bold.


Why conform the norm when being iconic can be more thrilling?  Vaulie admires women who authentically express themselves. The brand reflects individuality through their genuine, handmade products, each piece being iconic. 

A woman in a gold dress sits on a pedestal, holding several VAULIE ICON luxury bags draped over her shoulder. The elegant bags are resting on her knees as she poses, highlighting their sophisticated design and luxurious design.
A woman holding a luxury bag over her head with one hand and supporting it with the other. The curved design of the bag complements the curves of her body.
Elegant Vaulie signature in classic handwritten style, drawn in a single continuous line.


The founders of Vaulie observed women around them achieving unique accomplishments by embodying their values. This motivated them to create the Vaulie brand, specifically designed for the women who inspired them. Through their brand, the founders express admiration for women who dare to be seen and choose the path that excites them. They aspire for every woman to feel this way: feeling Vaulie.

The name ‘Vaulie’ is inspired by ‘value’, symbolizing the sense of worth. Additionally, ‘au’ signifies gold, adding a unique touch to each product.

The powerful feeling that drives you to take steps others don’t dare to. The butterflies in your stomach of excitement, it makes you feel alive

A woman in a gold dress stands proudly with her arms open, surrounded by a collection of luxury Vaulie bags arranged on the floor in front of her.


Why play it safe when a bold move can be more exciting? Vaulie admires women who take risks and push their boundaries. It supports women in confidently pursuing their passions, knowing they can achieve remarkable things by being bold.

A woman in a gold dress sits on a pedestal, holding several VAULIE ICON luxury bags draped over her shoulder. The elegant bags are resting on her knees as she poses, highlighting their sophisticated design and luxurious design.


Why conform the norm when being iconic can be more thrilling?  Vaulie admires women who authentically express themselves. The brand reflects individuality through their genuine, handmade products, each piece being iconic. 


The founders of Vaulie observed women around them achieving unique accomplishments by embodying their values. This motivated them to create the Vaulie brand, specifically designed for the women who inspired them. Through their brand, the founders express admiration for women who dare to be seen and choose the path that excites them. They aspire for every woman to feel this way: the Vaulie feeling.

The name ‘Vaulie’ is inspired by ‘value’, symbolizing a sense of worth. Additionally, ‘au’ signifies gold, adding a unique touch to each product.

A woman holding a luxury bag over her head with one hand and supporting it with the other. The curved design of the bag complements the curves of her body.
Elegant Vaulie signature in classic handwritten style, drawn in a single continuous line.
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